Gym Fix

01268 521900

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Swinging Steps  (4 steps)
Swinging Steps (4 steps)
01.Balance Bench 2.67m (8’9”) long without hooks
02.Agility Table six set (300, 460, 610, 760, 910 & 1070mm)
03.Bar Box 3 section (1.07m high) with wheels
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Payments accepted by Gymfix: Visa, Electron, Solo, Maestro, Mastercard, Paypal

Playground & Safety Surfacing and Groundworks

We have fifteen years experience in the preparation of and installation of playground and sports surfaces. We install tarmac, rubber wet-pour surfaces, stone resin, colour coated rubber mulch and rubber tile surfaces. We are renown for the top quality of our gym and hall floor sanding and varnishing.

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Gym Fix Team Services Ltd
Unit 5, Winstanley Way, Basildon, Essex. SS14 3BP
Tel: 01268 521900